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Summer internships are the perfect place to sort out how your educational interests intersect with your future career. Possibly for the first time, you see how the next stage of your life could play out: the type of projects you might be given and the problems you could solve, the sort of colleagues and leaders who may inspire you, the style of culture you might fit into—and even who you could become in the process. It’s a meaningful moment in time; an exciting professional practice run with real-world implications.

Imagine, then, having your internship come to life in the form of a full-time job. That’s what happened to four of our former interns from a recent cohort. Each of these talented individuals—Abrar, Taqi, Sarah, and Xun—found the first step in their career at after their internship ended. From software development to Human Resources, these former interns are now not only furthering their skills and growing their knowledge base, they’re making lasting contributions to our teams.

Read on as our former interns share their experiences and some sage advice for anyone interested in starting their career with

Abrar’s Home Hunt Becomes a Job Search 

Abrar's HeadshotAbrar wasn’t expecting to land an internship while he was helping his parents find a home, but a deep dive into’s website presented an opportunity he couldn’t resist. “’s articles were a lifesaver for my family—so when I learned about their internship program, I felt compelled to apply.”

Abrar landed an internship in software development, working on the listing toolkit squad. “I got to see what it was like to be an engineer in the real world, not just in a classroom,” he said. His curiosity and willingness to learn quickly impressed his team. 

Since coming on board full-time, his role has evolved from tackling small coding tasks to creating new features that could potentially be used by other teams. “It’s like leveling up from the internship and moving into a full-time job,” he said, adding that future interns shouldn’t be afraid to step outside of their comfort zone. “Be open minded and proactive, and ask lots of questions!”

Taqi Makes Great Connections in DevOps

Taqi's HeadshotTaqi wasn’t expecting an internship filled with friendly faces and self-guided learning—but that’s exactly what he found at “While I did participate in many challenging projects, my manager also encouraged me to explore the company, meet with different people, and learn about their roles.” 

On the DevOps team, Taqi worked on migrating projects to a new continuous integration and development pipeline. After being hired full-time, his role has taken an unexpected turn into the world of AB testing. “I think what really had an impact on the company’s decision to hire me permanently were the personal connections I was able to make during the internship,” he said. Taqi recommends future interns embrace the opportunity to meet people, learn new things, and have fun.

Sarah Shares Her Passion for Helping People

Sarah's HeadshotWhile at Texas A&M working towards her Human Resources Development degree, Sarah landed an internship on’s Talent Attraction team. Her main project involved researching and recommending a new Applicant Tracking System (ATS) for the company, but her goal for the internship was to try as many things as possible and figure out what she liked best. “My manager let me learn through trial and error, and just attend meetings to listen and soak it all in,” she said.

Sarah’s curiosity and willingness to try her hand at different aspects of HR helped her stand out, along with a positive attitude and proactive approach. When a full-time position opened up, she was a natural fit. Today she works as a Talent Attraction Operations Generalist on projects such as the career fair and recruitment marketing data analysis—and she continues to show enthusiasm for learning new facets of HR.

Xun Finds Camaraderie and Opportunity

Xun's HeadshotXun began his journey at as a software engineering intern. While balancing coursework with a demanding internship was challenging, his dedication to completing assigned tasks and meticulous documentation habits impressed his team.

The internship wasn’t just about developing technical skillsXun built friendships with other interns, participated in volunteer activities, and even interacted with the leadership team. This exposure to different aspects of the company broadened his experience beyond technical problem-solving. He transitioned to his full-time role as an Associate Software Engineer in July, and he credits the internship with preparing him well for the position.

For future interns hoping to follow his path, Xun advises: “Try to participate in some company activities and get yourself involved in other projects to show people that you are a good fit—not only for your team, but also for the company as a whole.”

Launch Your Future at

Ready to take the first step in your professional life? Make it a big step forward. As an intern in our 11-week undergrad internship program, you’ll join a network of other interns and leaders who will challenge and champion you as you learn. With opportunities in technical and non-technical roles, you’ll have the chance to build the foundation for a career of real significance. Instead of busy work, you’ll get busy learning how to think big and use your knowledge to impact the way everyone finds home.

It only takes one internship to lay the foundation for your career. Join our Emerging Talent community and be the first to hear about new opportunities to build a way home for everyone.